Jedi "relieved of duties" After Failed Impeachment Plot

As of today, the Jedi have been relieved of its duty as peacekeepers of the galaxy. The order came from the chancellor's office as "order 66". The name of the order is probably a reference to the 66 Jedi younglings who have not been accounted for. Master, sorry Jedi Knight, Anakin Skywalker was last seen rushing into the Jedi Temple with the 501st legion, undoubtedly for a peaceful transition and accurate inventory of the Jedi Archives. His whereabouts are unknown at this time. 
The Jedi have recently come under fire from the Senate for their accusation that our Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith Lord who was in collaboration with the Separatists. A statement from the Chancellors office has been "there is no collusion it's a complete hoax, I don't even know who this Sidious character is, but he sounds like a bad guy, but I'm the best guy, terrific, the best chancellor in the republic." 

Jedi Master Mace Windu was on the ground for commentary. "This Motherfucker electrocuted me out the motherfucking window! Who does that? Not only am I a Jedi Master, but one of the only black Jedi Masters in this galaxy. And this motherfucker has the nerve to yeet me out the window, and say he's not a sith lord? Bitch please." Master Windu went missing shortly after that statement. 

The Chancellor's office responded that "Jedi Master Windu was unfit for service, and a traitor to the galactic empire...I mean Republic...Shit..." Other Jedi around the galaxy have gone missing since the elimination of their position. A statement is expected this afternoon in the Republic Senate from the Supreme Chancellor himself. 


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