Republic officials are hopeful the supreme chancellor election will occur
Republic officials are hopeful the supreme chancellor election will occur, despite the recent events.
With the war seeming endless, and the space virus dying down, Republic officials are hopeful that galaxies elections will occur with no problems. There has been worry that current circumstances would keep the elections postponed until at least the scary space virus has been contained.
Chancellor Palpatine says he is excited to hold rallies again for his campaign, stating, "this is not what I have foreseen, but we are working on virtually reaching our base; we have the best base.; it's terrific." The chancellor has assured his supporters not to worry, that a "sequence of events" will ensure his victory.
The Jedi have been given charge of making sure the election does not have interference from the separatists. Still, citizens are skeptical of their ability to keep the peace, let alone monitor the security of an election.
Meanwhile, Senator Padme Amadala has brought a bill forward to allow virtual voting. The senator argues that this will ensure every citizen's voice is heard, except the sand people. The chancellor and his supporters in the Senate have spoken out against virtual voting, calling it a "separatist plot" to corrupt our democracy. "I love democracy, I love the Republic" was the chancellor statement when he was questioned about his own motives regarding virtual voting.
You can find your local poll station come election day by asking your nearest astromech unit if you can understand them; filthy clankers.
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