Galactic Postal Service Defunded to Fund Big Laser.
What that means for the Galactic Election.
We will build a bigger Death Star
Many citizens claim that this is just an excuse not to fund the Galactic Postal Service any more than it already is. The lack of funding has been a hot topic issue for decades in the Imperial Senate, mostly because of the never-ending military budget. "We just built a Death Star. And because of an unknown accident, we need to build a bigger death star. And this one will have a bigger laser and Starbucks."
Darth Vader is expected to enforce the Emperor's decision to slash funding by literally slashing it. "My lightsaber does most of the negotiation for me. If the workers have a problem with it, I can arrange a meeting. Or choking, that works too. I like the stabby noise, though. If people want to complain about voting, you guessed it, the lightsaber. Also, fewer workers mean smaller budgets."
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